Biblical Archaeology Conference at the ICR Discovery Center
Is the Bible reliable? Did the events described in it truly happen? What does the evidence indicate?
Many people today question whether the events recorded in Scripture are actual history. However, every time the Bible’s claims can be tested, it remains unshaken!
Join us November 10–11 for the Biblical Archaeology Conference at the ICR Discovery Center, as we explore the archaeological evidence that confirms the historicity of the Bible. Featured speakers include renowned biblical scholar and archaeologist Dr. Randall Price (of World of the Bible Ministries), along with Professor Tom Meyer, author of Archaeology and the Bible and a graduate of Jerusalem University College.
Space is limited. We highly recommend that you register today!
Learn more & register: https://discoverycenter.icr.org/special-events#BiblicalArchaeology

Date and Time
Friday Nov 10, 2023 Saturday Nov 11, 2023
November 10, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
November 11, 10:00 a.m.–4:45 p.m.
ICR Discovery Center
1830 Royal Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
Registration is free but required for the conference sessions.
Regular-price tickets or a membership are available for purchase for entry to the exhibit hall or planetarium shows.
Contact Information
For questions y'all have: lpennington@icr.org
For questions from the public: discover@icr.org or call 800-743-6374