The Cost of Conviction: A Memorial Day Commemoration
Join us Memorial Day weekend on May 25 & 27 at the ICR Discovery Center as we honor our fallen heroes. Come stand in unity as we pay our respects to the brave men and women who gave their lives so that we may have our daily freedoms. We will have a brief ceremony as a tribute to our fallen soldiers who fought to defend our nation. We will also have presentations from Mr. Bruce Malone of Search for the Truth, educating us on how to defend the truth of biblical creation, and from Dr. Brian Thomas of ICR who will be speaking on how we can view this commemoration in light of the Gospel. Along with our educational presentations, there will be a petting zoo, food trucks, fun activities, games and discounted tickets for everyone!
Date and Time
Saturday May 25, 2024 Monday May 27, 2024
May 25 & 27 from 10:00am to 5:00pm
ICR Discovery Center 1830 Royal Lane Dallas, TX 75229
Discounted tickets for everyone!
Contact Information
For more information:
ICR Discovery Center
(800) 743-6374
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