Massage Therapists
Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
"I’ve been running my holistic healing practice for 13 years as a massage therapist, energy healer, and intuitive reader, with over 20 years as a women’s circle facilitator. I’ve helped thousands of precious souls make breakthroughs in their healing on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
I support individuals who feel mentally drained, emotionally overwhelmed, or trapped in patterns of pain and stress. My passion is guiding them to not only address the root of their suffering, but also reclaim their worth and rise above limitations, to move forward in their healing with confidence and empowerment."
~ Neelou Saleh, Founder of Spirit of Lotus
Services include: Somatic massage, scar restoration therapy, therapeutic massage, energy healing, guided meditation, reiki, fire cupping, life coaching
Experience ancient healing practices, blended with a modern approach, to create a sacred space for transformation, healing, and spiritual growth:
Reiki energy and crystal healing for balance and healing of the subtle energy body;
Chakra Somatic Massage treatments for soothing the physical body and release of emotional wounds;
Meditation journeys to heal the mental body and raise consciousness;
Sound healing (acutonics) to soothe the emotional body and clear away dense energies;
Spiritual coaching to help you learn how to maintain your Soul self care, move through a spiritual awakening, and live your highest potential