Research Scientist
Overview of ICR’s Biological Theory and Applicable Resources
The Science Department of the Institute for Creation Research has developed an original Theory of Biological Design (TOBD). Our theory is predictive and testable, and it provides a distinctive engineering-based framework of assumptions, interpretations and major inferences that guide an innovative biological research program. When compared within Creation Science, our approach is unique. And in contrast to the conventional bioscience community, we clearly hold a different view on the origin, timing, function and deployment of purposeful adaptations in all organisms.
Most importantly, we believe that Jesus is the Creator of life and therefore the ultimate designer and engineer of every kind of organism. Accordingly, we should expect to observe molecular, cellular, and physiological evidence of common adaptations as a result of common engineering in a broad diversity of animals. One major inference of our theory is that all animals are designed to actively and continuously track conditions within specific environments to self-adjust through internal mechanisms. We recognize these self-adjustments as adaptive changes, and present this complex process as a novel scientific model: Continuous Environmental Tracking (CET). In all cases, we affirm that the organism is the agent in control of each adaptive response.
Our current experimental animal system is Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra), consisting of multiple surface-dwelling (SF, surface fish) and blind cave-dwelling (CF, cavefish) morphotypes that are interfertile. Juvenile and adult SF and CF are maintained in ICR’s Biological Laboratory within separate recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), and breeding occurs within individual aquariums under specific abiotic conditions. Our Science Department contains a state-of-the-art Imaging Center with stereo, compound and confocal microscopes, each with a dedicated digital camera and computer system. ICR has also established a new Molecular Biology Laboratory that is fully equipped for applications in nucleic acid, cellular and developmental biology sciences. Additionally, we maintain computational resources consisting of 2 servers: Dual 10 core CPUs @ 3.0 GHz (2 threads per core) RAM: 384 GB, to handle the bioinformatic analysis of genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic or phylogenomic data generated for TOBD and CET research.
Qualifications of Research Scientist
ICR Research Scientists have an exemplary record of producing scientifically rigorous research and sound argumentation in defense of all major doctrines of the biblical account of Creation. Currently, we are redefining Darwinian selectionism as an idolatrous worldview. Thus, we are now seeking a highly-skilled scientist to join us in drawing humanity to the true Creator of life. Applicants should hold a PhD and demonstrate proficiency in one or more of the following disciplines: molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, animal physiology, and biochemistry. A proven record of published peer-reviewed manuscripts and/or postdoctoral or professional experience in their field(s) is recommended. Individuals holding a doctorate in one of these disciplines, and who demonstrate skills in the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics, are encouraged to apply. Each applicant should also demonstrate an ability to learn and operate the technology within each of the laboratory resources (biology, microscopy, molecular biology)listed above. If selected, the new Research Scientist will join an existing Research Scientist and technician(s) in an intensive collaborative effort to develop, implement and test a variety of descriptive and experimental components to advance ICR’s new Theory of Biological Design.
Responsibilities and Duties of Research Scientist
In addition to their primary focus on experimental components of current and future biological model(s), the applicant will be expected to perform the following responsibilities and duties:
- Prepare and deliver oral presentations to audiences at churches, conferences, and the ICR
- Promote Creation Science through ICR podcasts, recorded interviews and group discussions
- Contribute to Creation outreach with online news articles, Acts & Facts, and through books
- Review news articles, publications and manuscripts by ICR scientists and associated authors
- Maintain a working knowledge of creation apologetics and current creation science literature
- Participate in departmental meetings, laboratory meetings, and scientist/technician interviews
- Submit a midyear report and annual performance plan on research, publications and outreach
Personal Qualifications and Perspectives
- Provide a written personal testimony of your salvation
- Agreement with ICR’s mission statement and core principles
- A humble, friendly, team player who will serve alongside ICR staff
- Flexible and willing to work evenings and weekends when required
- Able to compile diverse observations into a cohesive explanation
- Believe creatures look engineered because they are engineered
- Oppose evolutionary interpretations and alternative views to Creation
Essential Qualities and Mindset of Research Scientist
- Can mentally compile a broad set of related observations into a cohesive explanation
- Able to engage in high-level laboratory experiments and develop laboratory protocols
- Determined to think beyond every insufficient superficial version of evolutionary theory
- Believe that earth’s wondrous living diversity looks engineered because it is engineered
- Desire to study and communicate the exquisitely-designed characteristics of creatures
- Are a humble team player who will respect and support all staff in all ICR departments
- Have no interest in damaging the sincere efforts and reputations of fellow creationists
To apply, please provide the following to:
- A written testimony of salvation
- Knowledge and agreement of the Core Principles of the ICR (
- CV and/or Resume, including record of postdoctoral and/or professional research
- Statement of preparation and skills that are directly related to the position as outlined
Note: This position overview is not intended to be all-inclusive and is subject to change. Employees may perform other related duties to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.